who is matei ioachim…what?!
“His playing moved the audience deeply, after each concert there were people in tears and the ovations were unusually long. Matei Ioachimescu is one of the greatest flutists, I have ever heard.”
Matei Ioachimescu was born in Bucharest, Romania and 20 years later he moved to the charming City of Vienna.
He is also gonna stop referring to himself in a third person, because I’m writing this myself…
I am human just like you, but I was also lucky enough to have parents who discovered my musical talent at an early age and encouraged me to play the piano. Which I hated…
Searching for an instrument to go on, I was captivated by the magical impact of the flute sound on the listener’s soul and since then I was studying this capricious instrument in Vienna, with professor Barbara Gisler, at the Music University. There I graduated with a Master of Arts degree. Professors like Pierre-Yves Artaud, Heidi Peter Indermühle or Ion Bogdan Stefanescu helped me a lot in my development.
I used to listen to James Galways’s recordings, now I don’t anymore. I prefer Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd and Cecilia Bartoli. I never wanted to be something or someone else, though I did some other jobs, like selling concert tickets on the street (were I absolutely failed), or bar-keeping (even worse).
I got serious about playing flute and became the solo flutist of the Bucharest Philharmonic Orchestra, which I quit after 8 years for bigger challenges: solo career and living a freelance artist life. Now I travel the world playing music I love, from baroque to contemporary and cross-over.
Lately, you might have heard about my project called La Vida Loca, or about my album together with pianist Catalina Butcaru called “Lumière”, or even about my performances of Kalevi Aho’s flute concerto.
Since 2020 i’m leading the flute class, as an associate professor, at the West University of Timișoara
I play music I like, with musicians I like, for the audience I adore. I teach masterclasses in different countries. I love what I do and that makes me very good at what I do. That’s why the Austrian Secretary of State named me “Ambassador of Integration”. And I love sushi.
Thanks for reading! I hope to see you all at the next concert!

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Matei Ioachimescu and Cătălina Butcaru share a deep understanding of classical music, while their visions meet on the territory of musical originality and phantasy. The extraordinary musical symbiosis that brings them together has its origins in a long-standing collaboration and countless concerts and recitals, unanimously praised by critics and audience.
The two artists bring the lights of Paris closer to the listener in an exceptional recording distinguished by refined and original interpretations.
Listen now: Apple Music, Spotify